Quasar-STRX-Datasheet Product enquiry

Telecommand/ Telemetry Transceiver


The Quasar -STRX is our next generation telecommand/ telemetry transceiver for Smallsats and CubeSats.  The transceiver is based on popular industry standard SDR and processing components that have many years’ flight heritage. The Quasar-STRX is part of a family of co-developed satellite communication products that provide different options for TMTC subsystem design.

Quasar-STRX is the core of an end-to-end S-band TMTC solution that also include the Quasar-WSANT, a compact wideband S-band patch antenna covering both receive and transmit channels, and a diplexer.  All designed for optimal heat transfer from components to enclosure.

Avoid systems integration challenges and costly project delays with our one-stop solution. Compatible with common ground station communications protocols. It is capable of transmitting QPSK and OQPSK at up to 5 Msymbols per second, RS+CC channel coding and receiving BPSK 64 kSps to 2 MSps, BCH channel coding. This solution is compatible with standard satellite ground station TMTC modems.

The compact, wideband antenna removes the need for two separate antennas for up- and downlink paths and the diplexer option enables improved band-isolation.

This solution is compatible with Bright Ascension Flight Software suite used on AAC Clyde Space spacecraft.


The transceiver consists of an assembly of AAC Clyde Space’s SDR module and an RF Front End (RFFE) module with band-specific transmit and receive lineups. The two modules are independent and separable to facilitate flexible mounting configurations.


Designed using flight proven heritage solutions incorporating our latest innovations. This market leading solution is not only able to transmit and receive at impressive rates but packs a punch with its compatibility.


Compact, with extremely durable connectors. It uses Harwin Gecko connectors for power and digital; SMP connectors for RF. The transceiver line-up has flight heritage.  Fault tolerant circuits and software to assist recovery from single event upsets and ensure resilience against ionising radiation will be implemented in future versions..


  • Compatible with standard CubeSat platforms
  • Embedded Linux operating system
  • Transmit: QPSK and OQPSK at up to 5 Msymbols per second, RS+CC channel coding
  • Receive: BPSK 64 kSps to 2 MSps, BCH channel coding
  • Designed for optimal heat transfer
  • Compatible with common ground station communications protocols
  • Capable of transmitting QPSK and OQPSK at up to 5 Msymbols per second
  • Compatible with standard satellite ground station TMTC modems

Technical Specifications

Temperature -25°C to +60°C
Mass 270 g
Control and data interfaces CAN SPI I2C
Power Consumption 3.5 W receive mode (always on)
RF interface 50 Ω SMP
Radiation tolerance TBC
Design Life 3-5 years
Frequency band 2.200 - 2.290 GHz
RF output power -10 to 33 dBm in 0.25 dB step
Spurious responses <-30 dBc
Frequency stability ±1 ppm
Modulation schemes Filtered (O)QPSK (CCSDS)
Pulse shaping filter Root raised cosine roll-off 0.2 to 0.5
Symbol rate Up to 5 MSps
Data link protocol TM Synchronization and Channel Coding (CCSDS 131.0-B-3) TM Space Data Link Protocol (CCSDS 132.0 B 3)
Channel coding Convolutional/Reed-Solomon/Concatenated
Mechanical Dimensions
Length 96 mm
Width 90 mm
Height including enclosure 23 mm
Frequency band 2.025 - 2.110 GHz
Symbol rate 64 kSpS to 2 MSps
Sensitivity -150 + 10*log(symbol rate) dBm (TBC)
Noise figure <2 dB
Dynamic range Sensitivity level to -30 dBm (TBC)
Frequency stability ±1 ppm (TBC)
Power consumption 0.5 W (TBC)
Doppler ±150 kHz sweep range (TBC) Slope 750 Hz/s (TBC)
Carrier tracking pull-in range ± Symbol rate ÷ 4
Carrier lock tracking ±150 kHz
Modulation schemes Filtered BPSK (CCSDS)
Pulse shaping filter Root raised cosine roll-off 0.35
Data link protocol TC Synchronization and Channel Coding (CCSDS 231.0-B-4) TC Space Data Link Protocol (CCSDS 232.0 B 4)
Channel coding BCH

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